Where to read my yet-to-be published work

Sandy Denny had it right. Who knows where the time goes? Have I really not updated this site since December 2018?

If you’ve visiting my page from a high school, and you’ve had a good experience producing my published and easily available pieces like Acts of God, One Over Par, or Ten Red Kings, let me suggest that you might want to take a look at two other pieces written specifically for teen performers, Techies and My United Nations.

How to get hold of these? Easy. Send me a request via email, and I’ll happily send you a pdf. My email is markrigney671@gmail.com . Synopses of each piece appear below.

Another good venue to find my plays is the New Play Exchange. If you visit there and enjoy one of my pieces, it would be great if you’d take a moment to leave a review. We live in a data-driven world, and whether we like it or not, recommendations drive search engines.

Meanwhile, if you’re anywhere the Bronx, go see The Shout at Hostos Community College. I’m very pleased and grateful that Hostos Rep is giving The Shout another chance to tread the boards, and here’s hoping this production generates additional interest. Want to read it? Head for Playscripts, Inc., by clicking HERE.

Now, as promised. Synopses!

Synopsis of Techies:

At rise, the high school stage crew prepares for the first show of the year, The Crucible, a play of accusations and witch-craft. Tyler, leader of the tech team, has everything under control––or so it seems. Something of old Salem lingers in the air, and before even the first rehearsal, the stage crew’s safe space comes under siege. When Haley arrives as a transfer student, bringing solid tech skills and an upsetting past, fingers start pointing at Tyler, and soon the divisive rumors that center on him and his now ex-girlfriend become impossible to ignore. As opening night marches inexorably closer, each of the techies must decide where they stand, and which forms of loyalty they most hold dear.

Synopsis of My United Nations:

High school senior Samantha Morgan is doing her best to keep her fellow students in line as she guides them through a Model United Nations project, but nothing is going as planned. Not only are the various ambassadors refusing to follow her lead, but most of them are behaving extremely erratically. Worse, her plans to eliminate Ugandan rebel Joseph Kony are starting to feel all too real, as is Samantha’s alternate identity as Secretary General of the actual United Nations.

After younger sister Donna reveals the hypocrisy of Samantha’s highly constructed world, she is forced to grapple directly with her status as a mentally ill schizophrenic.  Aided by a helpful in-hospital psychiatrist (Dr. October) and her own elaborate international schemes, Samantha finally finds the clarity, courage and insight to leave the hospital and get on with both her senior year and life beyond a ward.

Meanwhile, if you happen to like scary stories that go bump in the night, “A Small Northern Inheritance” has finally made it into print via Issue #77 of Cemetery Dance. This is not a digital venue; it’s print only. If you’d like to order a copy (which I know you would), proceed to the Cemetery Dance homepage by clicking HERE.

Lastly, take a moment today to raise your hand and raise your voice. Your votes matter, and so do your phone calls and letters to your various elected reps, from your local council all the way up to the Senate. This weary world needs you. Dare to be heard.


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