I’m Included: Capital Rep’s Next Act! Festival + CCTA

As theatre-making lurches back into gear, I’m pleased to announce two upcoming venues where my work will be featured. The first is just around the corner, and comes courtesy of Capital Repertory Theatre in Albany, New York. Their Next Act! Festival will feature my play, Everything Must Go, as well as my screenplay adaptation of that same piece, in their Stage2Screen feature, available online in mid-June.

The 2021 Next Act! Festival is strictly on-line, so the readings of Everything Must Go will be prerecorded, with the advantage that they can be watched or listened to from anywhere in the world. Approximately 20 pages of the stage-play and screenplay versions of the piece will be read by the cast, with the goal of comparing and contrasting these two closely related but essentially separate forms. A Q&A will follow, also prerecorded, and I’ll be included in that, as well.

Click HERE to link to Capital Rep’s Next Act! webpage.

Meanwhile, my short play, “Sammie & Gran” was commissioned by Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA) for their 2021 festival, which is coming up this fall.

Every two years, CCTA curates a set of 50 short plays, with producing venues of all stripes performing their favorites over a three-month span. Professional companies, schools, performance artists: anyone can join in the fun. Later in 2022, all 50 of the plays (each about five minutes long) will be assembled into a single volume and made available in book form.

Each of the plays is tasked with addressing a specific climate-related topic, of the author’s choosing, but with the goal of avoiding dystopian hopelessness. The idea is to present something inspirational, and perhaps even prescriptive, with policy potential. Having read a number of the available plays, I can say that the responses to these basic prompts are wildly varied, and many are quite wonderful.

If you want to learn more, either to read the selected plays or to consider being a part of what will be a truly global festival, click HERE to visit CCTA’s home page. Instructions for how to access the plays is on the first page, toward the bottom.

I’m told there are over a hundred producing venues already on board for CCTA 2021, and who knows? Perhaps you could add to their ranks.

Later this year, new stories are slated for Wyldblood Magazine and Tales from the Magician’s Skull. If short stories are your cup of tea, consider picking up copies of these excellent publications. That done, you can zip over to my downloads page (see the navigation bar) and check out a selection of my previously published shorts. Two are offered for free, and the rest for a minimal cost.

‘Til next time.


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