News of the World: 2021

2021 opens with some good news in the writing department. First, I have a new story out in the world, through a new U.K. venture, Wyldblood. “The Paint-Over Artist” might qualify as political sci-fi, and tips its hat to Banksy while relying on special bacteria-eating paint to keep the engine of its plot humming. I’ll get the cover posted shortly over on the prose page.

Meanwhile, I was asked to contribute to CCTA 2021, which is to say, Climate Change Theatre Action. I’m one of fifty playwrights worldwide who have contributed a short play, with a general roll-out in the fall of this year (when, with luck, live theatre will return to the fray). Given the many theatres and committed climate-oriented groups that are participating, there is every chance that my short, “Sammie & Gran,” will be treading the boards on at least one continent by the time the year winds down. It’s an inter-generational comedy, complete with jump-rope, rap, and a plan to save the world. What more could any stage want?

Stay safe, gentle reader. We’re not out of the woods yet.

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